His Majesty The King will send a congratulatory message on the following occasions and these can be presented by the Lord-Lieutenant or one of the Deputy Lieutenants if the celebrant would wish a visit.
The King sends messages for Diamond (60th),
65th and Platinum (70th) wedding anniversaries and then every year thereafter. Due to GDPR, families now need to inform us of the Anniversary so the Lieutenancy can arrange a card.
The King sends messages for 100th and 105th birthdays and then every year thereafter. Due to GDPR, families now need to inform us of the person's birthday so the Lieutenancy can arrange a card.
You may contact the Clerk to the Lieutenancy Mr Gordon Ritchie in Stonehaven if you wish the Lord-Lieutenant to be aware of the celebration and would wish a visit. Copies of Marriage Certificates will be required.
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